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Au revoir, but not goodbye
I started Rachel Lucie Jewellery Designs way back in 2008
Since contracting ME/CFS in June 2019 unfortunately I have not recovered. I managed with a mostly housebound life, still able to walk my dog sometimes, and deal with the lessening jewellery orders that came my way. I no longer promoted myself and was unable to attend fairs.
I announced last year that I would change the way I worked to accommodate my illness with a view to my ongoing recovery. This worked really well, and I had some lovely supportive messages from clients.
However, following my first Astra Zeneca vaccination in March this year I became very ill. I also developed a condition called POTS (postural orthastatic tacycardia syndrome), and have not recovered.
This was over 6 months ago, and as I am still too ill to work, regrettably I have to pause Rachel Lucie Jewellery Designs for until further notice.
I want to thank all my loyal customers over the years, and can only give my heart felt apologies to those whose orders I have not been able to fulfill recently. It has been such an honour to be part of your lives through gifts and the pieces of jewellery that have significance to you and the people you love.
I haven't given up, and do hope at some point to be well enough to reopen.
Au revoir, but not goodbye! 💜
Rachel xx
Christmas on my mind...
What can be said about 2020?
What can we say about Christmas? I think, restrictions willing, we should have the best Christmases that we are able. Don’t you?
Some good news is that I am slowly getting back to my studio and working on increased orders, and I’m carefully pacing myself. I’m also working at getting stockists restocked and new items on here for you to treat yourself or your missed loved ones.A New Way of Working in Uncertain Times
I'm writing in strange times, I very much hope that you are ok.
I've been wanting to write this for a while, but uncertain what to do. Now my decision has been forced on my by the new global situation (of which I shall not name - am I the only one with an inbox full of emails from every company with that word in the title and addressed to me by name?).

Rachel Lucie : jewellery designer-maker
Unique handmade silver jewellery, direct from my studio in beautiful Hebden Bridge, UK.
I hand make modern heirloom necklaces, earrings and bracelets, vintage-inspired and full of jewel colours and eclectic charm. I love using semi-precious stones, freshwater pearls and Swarovski crystals that I carefully collect with my magpie tendencies.
My love of intricate shapes, colours and nature both inspires and runs through all my creative work; I enjoy what I do, and hope you will too.